Palaiseau (Ille de France) (France)

Welcome to Ateliers CLE

The site gathers the information of the different editions of the CLE workshops since 2016.

  • What are the CLE Workshops?
  • Who organizes them?
  • What themes are addressed?
  • What is their purpose?

On the banner of the 2016 or 2017 editions, you can choose to get an overview of the workshops through photos, the evaluations of the CLE students who participated and their comments!

Due to the health situation, the previous edition of the CLE workshops has been cancelled. 

CLE workshops are experimental and field workshops, and we're holding on to it! However, this year, in order to comply with health regulations, we will adapt according to the situation by adopting a presential, semi-presential or online operation. When registering, candidates will be able to specify the modes of operation in which they are willing to participate or not.


Programme de la semaine

Plan d'accès à l'observatoire SIRTA sur le site de Palaiseau

Plan d'accès à l'Observatoire SIRTA sur le site de l'Orme des Merisiers

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