Palaiseau (Ille de France) (France)

Briefing of the spring school Ateliers CLE

This spring school contents 4 different shops exploring today’s stakes concerning the environment sciences, specifically the atmospheric sciences.

The 4 shops are englobed in 3 main themes of study: 

(1)  Atmosphere vertical structure and its components; air quality indexes and air transport 

  • Introduction to the atmosphere structure and atmospheric composition
  • Introduction to air transport at a global scalelinked to pollution events in urban regions (chemistry, air quality and transport) using the Parisian region pollution events as an example.

(2) The variability of solar ernergy resources to quantify the energy production at SIRTA observatory.

(3) Steps, physical and technical constraints from the measurements to climate trends; numeric models as a tool to understanding the climate stakes and the extrapolation of possible tomorrow scenarios. 

  • From measurements to climate trends

climate models and their applications

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